- B.S. in Software Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2019
- M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021
- Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2026 (expected)
Selected honors
- Knight Fellowship, Software and Societal Systems Department, CMU, 2023
- William J. Happel Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, 2023
- SNAP Research Fellowship semi-finalist, SNAP Inc. 2022
- Dean’s Fellowship, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021
- University Scholarship, School of Software Engineering (SE), XJTU, 2018 Awarded to batch topper
- Suzhou High-Tech Zone Student Scholarship 1st prize, XJTU, 2017 (Awarded to 3 students in 5 schools)
- Fuji Xerox (China) Scholarship: School of SE, XJTU, 2016 (Awarded to 3 students in School of SE)
- MCM Excellence Award, The Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Xi’an China (regional level), 2016
- Excellent Student of the year, Chongying College, XJTU, 2016, 2017, 2018
- CUMCM 3rd prize Provincial level
- Chinese Olympiad provincial level, 2015, 3rd position in Physics and Chemistry.
Work experience
- Feb 2018: Big Data Engineeer
- Sichuan Hwadee Information Technology Co., Ltd.
- Duties included: ELK log analysis visualization.
- 2019 - 2020: Research Assistant
- Thaibev, Bangkok, Thailand
- Duties included: Data-driven personalized promotions design with A/B testing.
- 2020: Research Assistant
- Advised by Prof Tze Meng Low, CMU ECE
- Duties included: Data analysis towards customer profiling and clustering.
- 2020: Research Assistant
- Advised by Prof Hyong Kim, CMU ECE
- Duties included: Time series forcasting of monthly sales using LSTM with teacher forcing.
- 2021: Research Assistant
- Advised by Prof Bhiksha Raj, CMU LTI
- Duties included: Investigation of Deep Generative Models (e.g., infinite Gaussian mixture models),
- and Deep Learning robustness (e.g., adversarial attacks on DL models).
- 2021: Research Assistant
- Advised by Prof Kathleen M. Carley
- Duties included: Topic Analysis and community detection over Twitter data.
- 2021: Research Assistant
- Advised by Dr. Pengfei Liu (Now AP at Shanghai Jiaotong University)
- Duties included: Scientific Information Extraction over documents.
Real-time Emotion Detection
Project presentation at Carnegie Mellon Tech seminar, Bangkok, Thailand
Analysis of the impact of mask-wearing in viral spread: Implications for COVID-19
Conference paper presentation at American Control Conference 2021, Remote
Role of mask wearing in mitigating viral spread I
Regular Talk at NetSci 2022, Remote
Role of mask wearing in mitigating viral spread II
Regular Talk at Contagion on Complex Social Systems 2022, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, USA
Impact of population heterogeneity over SIR dynamics.
Guest Lecture at Carnegie Mellon Grad Course - 18755 - Networks in the Real World, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Spreading process with population heterogeneity over multi-layer networks I
Poster presentation at CRA-WP23, CRA-WP 2023 Grad Cohort Workshops, Palace Hotel, San Francisco
Spreading process with population heterogeneity over multi-layer networks II
Regular talk at Annual IDeaS Conference: Disinformation, Hate Speech, and Extremism Online, Gates Hillman Centers, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Service and leadership
- Reviewer, Journal of Communications and Networks, 2021
- Web & Publicity Committee, panel moderator for Pittsburgh Women in Mathematics & Computing Symposium, Feb 24, 2023